From Tragedy to Triumph

Our Story

Noble Endeavours was birthed out of tragedy in 2008 when my late wife Janice collapsed in Mindanao in the Philippines.

We had made annual visits from 1999 and had grown to love the nation and its marginalised indigenous people. Located in the foothills of the Central Mindanao region, the village of Datu Sundungan is a gateway to many isolated tribal villages that live in great need. From small beginnings, we had opened a school, provided clean water to the community, and began a feeding program. Janice passed away in March 2010, knowing that what we began in Datu Sundungan would continue to bring change to a growing number of families. That legacy became Noble Endeavours.

In 2014, our model changed to provide children with scholarships to attend their local school. This continued focus on education operates alongside our main focus on social business development through the production of high-value agriculture. Our reach is now expanding to educate and feed more children and create job opportunities for a growing number of communities.

Ian McKay, Founder.

A long term self-funding program

What we are achieving

Noble Endeavours is built on the premise that we can’t alleviate poverty without first providing long term employment opportunities for families. We know education is also vital, but it must be accompanied by employment opportunities to be effective.

Noble Endeavours has established a profitable goat milking facility in Central Mindanao. This provides employment to farm workers and income to families who harvest forage for the goats.

In the process, thousands of local school children are given nutritious goats’ milk to drink. Meanwhile, farmers are trained in new skills and scholarships are given to some of the poorest children so they can attend a local school.

Our plan is for new large-scale agricultural products to provide even more opportunities. This is how we are growing sustainable communities in one of the poorest regions of the Philippines.

Watch this video to find out more.

Full-time jobs
School scholarships
Active farms
Children receiving food
Next steps

Featured Projects

The HEALS Model

Education and training in prenatal care and child nutrition. Provision of clean water
School scholarships, agricultural training, women's livelihood development
Family farm-based model, high value products, supply chain development
Land Redemption
Land Redemption
Environmental restoration, increased production, food security
Economic development, job creation, sustainable projects, families & communities
93% of Donated Funds Go Directly to the Project

Governance and Accountability

Noble Endeavours partners with Global Development Group, which provides oversight and accountability for this approved humanitarian project (J490N). Global Development Group is AusAID-approved and is part of the Overseas Aid Gift Deduction Scheme. Donations over $2 are tax-deductible in Australia, USA and UK. According to AusAid requirements, if funds raised exceed the needs for this project the funds may be directed to a similar project. No non-development activities (evangelistic, political or welfare) can be funded by donations.

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How your support is transforming families and communities

Stories from Mindanao

Yes, You Can Make a Difference!

Connect With Us

You can partner with us by donating funds, volunteering your skills, or inviting Ian McKay to speak on the work of Noble Endeavours. Whether you are an individual, a family, or a business, why not consider becoming a partner with Noble Endeavours?

The key to Noble Endeavours’ approach is the development of strategic partnerships with Australian businesses, private individuals and Filipino Government departments.

These partnerships provide the resources and the capacity to implement programs that meet the humanitarian needs of indigenous communities in central Mindanao. The provision of funding for infrastructure is a key component, as is the intellectual property shared by experts in a variety of areas.

With the help and support of our partners we continue to expand the work in Mindanao, Philippines, seeing this self-sustaining model replicated in other communities.