Miguel Stopped Growing Corn and Started Growing Grass

Miguel is a farmer in the remote hills of Central Mindanao. Life on the land is not easy for this father of seven. For the past 20 years, Miguel has grown corn, all plowed and sown by hand. He was at the mercy of the elements and an uncertain market for his harvest.
One day, Miguel heard that Noble Endeavours was offering to buy green feed for goats. This gave local families an opportunity to earn more money. He took up this offer. For the first time in 20 years, he stopped growing corn and started growing feed using seed provided by Noble Endeavours.
He produces the forage on his land and harvests it in daily feed quantities. These loads are bundled onto his horse and taken to the roadside where workers from Noble Endeavours collect it. Unlike corn, some forage crops can be harvested several times before replanting which saves Miguel time and money. Having a guaranteed market for his harvest provides peace of mind for Miguel and his family.
For the first time, Miguel’s land is turning a profit. He purchased a horse and a buffalo to help him with plowing. The buffalo provides his family with milk and both animals are female, so they will produce valuable offspring.
Miguel is happy that his family has a brighter future and he has animals to help him with the manual labour.